My Clean PC Review
My Clean PC as I’m sure you can guess is a company that provides software to clean and protect computers. What’s unique about this particular company is that all of their business is completed entirely online. There is no shipping! They offer a free downloadable diagnosis that will inform users of the issues that their computers may be experiencing. Then users download their software and activate it to speed up their computer and improve its performance.
The software does cost $19.99, however My Clean PC ensures customer satisfaction and zero risks. They also offer a 30-day risk free guarantee to their customers. You can view their ads on television.
The Company
So from viewing this company’s webpage I’ve learned that they are what I like to call, “all business.” I found no personal information offered about the company’s start up or its owners. It did offer really easy navigation though. It’s a clean webpage with plenty of FAQs options for people who are wondering how their product works and what it does. There is step by step installation instructions and uninstall instructions as well. You can compare this to other popular computer cleaning software applications like SpeedFixTool and TurboYourPC as well.
The Product
The software is the product here. Here are some perks that apply if you choose to download:
- It only takes minutes
- A cleaner computer means a faster computer
- Stops freezes
- Stops crashes
- Improves Performance
- It’s downloadable directly to your PC
To sweeten the deal, installing My Clean PC will actually:
- Remove Spam files
- Discard Unneeded Registry Entries
- Clean out Internet Browsing Traces
- Clean out Fragmented Portions of Your Hard Drive
So far with the claims My Clean PC is making I think it’d certainly be worth the $19.99 a month to protect your computer. If you think about it with most anti-virus systems, you’re going to be paying an annual or monthly fee anyway. The website is loaded with user reviews too all of which are highly positive. To summarize the reviews people felt:
- Happy that their computer was kept up to date
- That their computer’s speed improved
- The Product was Worth the price
- Their Computer Felt “Brand New”
I find it a little odd there is not one negative review but hey that’s just me. I continued my investigation and found several contrary reviews on the internet. Most claimed that this company actually would detect issues during their scan even if there was really none.
Still, people who didn’t agree with their selling methods admitted that they enjoyed the way the product worked on their PC. It was also noted that the product was easy to use for people of all ages. So despite a couple negative reviews there is a lot of good being talked about regarding My Clean PC.
The Verdict
Ring ring ring the verdict is in and it it’s a weak yes. Let me explain why. The website is pretty generic but it does tell you what their main objective is, which is, detect the issues and have you purchase their software in order to fix them.
I don’t have any doubt that My Clean PC is a legitimate business with impressive software that will in fact protect our computers. Their website is fully functional; they have customer service reps available on a daily basis to communicate with via telephone.
My Clean PC is certainly real and beneficial to some computer owners. My hesitation is mainly not being not sure about the price per month versus other software-selling competitors. I know other companies offer annual rates and promise to do the same sort of things for my PC. If a better deal was on the table I would probably take it. But if not this is a perfectly good option too. Or if My Clean PC told me something extra special about what made their software better than anybody else that might have sold me too. Overall it seems like a good company that does a solid job.