Air Hawk Review – Powerful Compact Air Compressor With Built In Light?


We depend on our cars pretty much every day. Without them, you can’t get to work, get the kids to school, shopping, and so on, they are essential. Just as your feet are essential to you for walking, your tires are essential to your car to transport you and your family.

You don’t need to wonder “if” you will ever get a flat tire, you need to wonder “when” you will get a flat tire, it’s bound to happen some day.

Even if you keep new tires on your vehicle, nails, rocks, and numerous other things can cause a flat, so you must do what you have to, to be prepared.

Having a flat tire can be dangerous in more ways than one. Experiencing a flat tire while traveling on a highway means, you must pull to the side of the highway, and hope you are sufficiently out of the way of traffic, while you try to change your tire.

Or, if you are out at night alone, and have to stop and change a tire, it could be dangerous, not everyone you encounter is a Good Samaritan. So what do you do? You purchase an Air Hawk, and stay safe!


What Air Hawk Does

You may be faced with the inconvenience of having a flat tire, however you don’t have to spend 30 minutes or more changing that tire, while on a dangerous highway, or alone on a dark road. Air Hawk will inflate your tire in just seconds, that’s right, seconds, not minutes.

Air Hawk has a digital pressure gauge, so you don’t even have to stop to measure pressure. It comes with a built in LED light, so you won’t have to get your flashlight out and hope the batteries still work.

Air Hawk has a powerful air compressor, and a rechargeable battery. Air Hawk also includes an air conditioner charger, and a 12 V cable adapter for continuous power. It's quick to use, and will keep you safe in what could be a dangerous situation.

If you can drive a car, you can use Air Hawk, it’s that easy to use. Even the kids will want to take it over to inflate sports balls and toys.

What is Air Hawk?

Don’t get confused, Air Hawk is not like those quick fill air cans. Air cans can be messy to use, and when you use it for a very short period of time, that’s it, no more air. Air Hawk is not at all like a can of air, it’s more like a portable hand held air compressor.

How valuable would that be in an emergency? The digital LED gauge will prevent you from overfilling your tire, you simply use the flashlight if needed, fill the tire, and that’s it, you are back on the road and on to safety.

Other Uses for Air Hawk

Nothing is more fun than a day at the beach, although all of those inflatable floats can consume a good portion of your day. Little manual air pumps are not much better than the old fashion method of just blowing up the float yourself.

By the time you get the kids floats inflated, you are ready to go home, it can be exhausting. Good news! Not any more. Air Hawk is compact, so you can slip it into your beach bag, and have it on hand to inflate any float in just seconds.

Air Hawk comes equipped with 3 different nozzles, so there is no concern that it won’t fit the valve on your float, one of the nozzles will work. You can get those floats and beach balls inflated in no time, and get on with the fun.

Air Hawk also has uses at your home, how many times have you loaded up a bicycle in your car, gone to the gas station, and paid for air for a tire, what a hassle. Those days are behind you with Air Hawk. You can now inflate those bicycle tires in less than one minute.

A bicycle tire loses air just sitting, but that is no longer an issue, or an excuse not to ride your bike, you have a mini air compressor at your disposal. Don’t forget the kids balls.

How frustrating is it for the kids to get ready for a competitive game of basketball, only to realize the ball is under-inflated. Who wants to take time away from that game to have to go get the ball inflated, or to buy a new ball.

Air Hawk is ready to inflate your basketball, and have you on the court in seconds. Football fans, don’t feel left out, Air Hawk will inflate that football in seconds and have you making touchdowns. The uses for Air Hawk are endless, you will never want to be without it.

Air Hawk Pricing and Ordering

All of the benefits of owning an Air Hawk say it all, you can’t afford to be without one. In order to keep you and your family safe when on the road, and keep your family having fun at the beach, consider having Air Hawk close at hand.

Don’t forget the Air Hawk at home also, the Air Hawk will quickly become an essential in your car and at your home. So now for the great news, which is the very low introductory price.

You cannot buy peace of mind for a road trip, however you can now purchase an Air Hawk, and for only $39.95, plus $14.95 processing and handling. (Sales tax will be applied to orders from CA and NJ- $1 web service fee will be added to each order.

Non continental U.S. orders, please add an additional $7.95 shipping surcharge) The Air Hawk is covered by a 60-day money back guarantee, however, there is no doubt you will love your Air Hawk and appreciate all of the many uses it offers.

Your own personal and compact air compressor, just consider the many uses you will have for your Air Hawk.


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